Dear Friends,
Something that I have preached about and practiced myself is the need to be a life long learner. I think when we talk about educational change and growth creating a culture in our schools of life long learners is second to none. This means we all need to be learning; administrators , teachers and of course our students. To create a school culture one needs to begin with the school leaders. We are all school leaders and therefore I am reaching out to all of you.
Today with social media and the Internet professional development is 24/7/365 and I think that is great. However we need to raise the bar and as was mentioned at a recent EDUVUE hang out we need to look at it as professional learning. If we view it as learning it needs to be teacher driven and owned, differentiated, personalized, and ongoing.
That needs a more personal touch and can't be accomplished by "drive by " PD.
Star Educational Consulting offers that personal connected touch to help schools shine. Please check out the website and email or call me about some introductory offers.
Wishing you all a Great Day!